Inspirational Resources

    Grateful For The Road

    We are pilgrims – travelers; we have no lasting city here; we have no home. We are urged to live,
    remembering that we are travelers. This will help you to explain your life to yourself. As you look at your
    life, perhaps it seems Unsatisfactory. It has no apart continual growth in an orderly progressive
    fashion. True, for life is not really a growing, but a journey. You are a traveler rather than a growing
    child. You are taking a journey to life eternal. People are disappointed because they do not understand

    We are always planning and designing for ourselves what one day we shall do. As children we
    planned what we were to do when we had grown up. In youth we planned for our middle years. As we
    grow older it is always in the future that the great event, whatever it is, is to happen. We plan at last, to
    settle down in old age. We cannot settle down. We never shall. We are pilgrims!... if you are to go on a
    long pilgrimage you must accommodate ourselves to others. So life is an accommodating of
    ourselves to others.

    You say when you begin: This is only for a short time; later on I shall be able to organize my life as I
    want it. That will happen truly, but not here. No one here ever really has a chance of having exactly what
    he wants. Only on the other side will you really have a home. We belong to a great city, but the city lies
    over the far side of the river. So olive that you remember whence you came and whiter you journey.
    Keep your eyes fixed on the height toward which you climb… forget the things that are behind you…
    striving earnestly forward… nothing here on earth can ever content us. We get past our difficulty only to
    encounter another. That is right and proper. Indeed, that is life! So do not expect to find here your city –
    the thing perfectly worked out, completely, that you desire, dream of, work for. Do not expect to be able
    to settle down for long to enjoy your life. The danger that assaults us is the danger that we might settle
    down. We are pilgrims on the march. Always beware of comfort! Beware of being content with what you
    have! There-ahead-is your comfort. Pilgrims, travelers, strangers, that is all we be! We seek a city
    whose maker and builder is God, a city that is God Himself. We shall enter within it by His mercy. God
    Himself shall be our home. Cannot you be grateful for the road, though it is rough? It does all a road
    was ever made to do. It takes you home!
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