Catholic CDs | $2 Donation

    Food For The Journey Home
    Fr. Norbert Wood

    Fr. Norbert Wood was ordained in 1981 and is a Norbertine Father
    at St. Michael's Abbey in Silverado, California. He received his
    Master's Degree in Education Administration from the University
    of San Francisco. He currently assists with the formation of the
    seminarians at St. Michael's Abbey and the Norbetine Sisters in
    Tehachapi, California. Fr. Norbert devotes much of his time to the
    preaching of retreats.

    Food For The Journey Home
    Reflecting on the Encyclical letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia issued by Pope John Paul II, Fr. Norbert
    helps us to understand the reasons for the Eucharist and details what we, as Catholics believe
    regarding the Eucharist. The sacrifice of the Mass is considered to be the most perfect form of prayer.
    Fr. Norbert leads us in understanding the amazing sacrament and teaching.

    Find out why Padre Pio said that it would be easier for the earth to survive without the sun than without
    the sacrifice of the Mass.

    The Bread of Angels, as the Eucharist is called, is our "Food for the Journey Home".

    Images used for description purposes Only. CD cases not included.
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